- bear patiently
- Comply with, ... by
- Conform to, ... by
- Dwell
- Hymn, ... With Me
- Put up with
- Put up with seaman and fish
- Dwell
- Live
- Live in fashionable custom
- Live in monk’s robe
- Make your home look like friar
- Occupy (a space or country)
- Populate
- A string instrument
- Dwell (on)
- Dwell on angel’s instrument
- Even Thea drops instrument
- Go on and on (about)
- Irish emblem
- Labour a point, ... on
- Dwell permanently
- Live
- Lodge
- Stay
- To dwell permanently or for a considerable time; to have
a settled abode for a time; to abide continuosly; to have one's
domicile of home; to remain for a long time.
- To have a seat or fixed position; to inhere; to lie or
be as in attribute or element.
- To sink; to settle, as sediment.
- Dublin women even lived there to start with
- Even Ed, a week late, lingered on
- Fixated (on)
- Inhabited
- inhabited in
- Inhabited, ... in
- Lingered (on)