- Dreary
- Dull and repetitious
- Dull, repetitious
- jaded
- Underwhelmed
- Using a drill that’s dull
- of Bore
- Dreary
- Full of grief
- Full of dole or grief; expressing or exciting sorrow;
sorrowful; sad; dismal.
- Austere
- Barren
- Cheerless
- Desolate
- Dreary
- dreary miserable
- Dull and cheerless
- Bleak though sometimes seen as mild
- Causing gloom
- Causing gloom or depression
- Dreary
- Dreary, gloomy
- End of the road is bad in France. Downright miserable!
- End of the road is bad in France. right miserable!
- Dreary routine
- Exercise machine
- Gym equipment item
- Item of gymnasium equipment
- Monotonous routine
- Routine drudgery
- Team drill broken down into boring routine