- Barrier Reef reveals blunder
- Be mistaken
- Be mistaken or incorrect
- Be wrong
- Berry omitted by mistake
- Blot one’s copybook
- Blunder
- Aid (felon)
- Aid in crime
- Aid in misdemeanour
- Aid, help someone out, assist
- Assist
- Assist illegally
- Assist in a crime
- To do wrongly.
- To do wrong to; to illtreat.
- To do wrong; to commit a fault.
- To wrong; to do injury to.
- internet comment
- Letters and parcels delivered
- Letters that come after appointment
- Mail service
- Position of duty
- Send by mail
- Send to job – the last one was at funeral
- A bad part
- Defect or failing
- Flaw
- Mistake
- Tennis serve mishap
- Defect; want; lack; default.
- Anything that fails, that is wanting, or that impairs
excellence; a failing; a defect; a blemish.
- A trespass; a wrong done; the improper doing of an act
which a person might lawfully do.