- Disaster
- Disastrous event
- Any great misfortune or cause of misery; -- generally
applied to events or disasters which produce extensive evil, either to
communities or individuals.
- A state or time of distress or misfortune; misery.
- Disaster
- The state of being fatal, or proceeding from destiny;
invincible necessity, superior to, and independent of, free and
rational control.
- The state of being fatal; tendency to destruction or
danger, as if by decree of fate; mortaility.
- That which is decreed by fate or which is fatal; a fatal
- Disaster
- Drama with a sombre theme
- Great misfortune
- Personal disaster
- Serious play
- Try to get elderly inside – what a disaster!
- Try to get elderly inside ... what a disaster!
- Debacle
- Disaster
- Violent disaster or upheaval
- Violent upheaval
- An extensive overflow or sweeping flood of water; a
- Any violent catastrophe, involving sudden and extensive
changes of the earth's surface.
- A debacle
- A disaster
- Calamity
- Cataclysm
- Disaster
- Disastrous event
- Disastrous event means carpet has to be replaced