Dip Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 24-02-2022
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: dip. We have 5 answers for dip in our database.

Possible answers to dip

- Baptise
- Dip
- Dip in water
- Engulf
- Plunge
- Plunge into water
- Plunge or dip into liquid

- Avoid Donald
- Batsman’s nil
- Bird typically favouring reedy habitats
- Common water bird
- Dip
- Dodge
- Donald is one to avoid

- Dip
- Do pool laps
- Float
- Move in water
- Travel by sea
- Use breaststroke, e.g.
- Using wisdom, do away with dip in the pool

- Avocado dip

- A Mexican dish
- Avocado dip
- Mexican avocado dish
- Mexican dip
- Mexican dish
- Seasoned avocado spread
- Spicy avocado dish

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