- A deserter - A mouse-like rodent - Ben, the subject of Michael Jackson’s hit song of 1972, is a what? - Betray, ... on - Betrayer - Commuter treadmill, ... race - Deserter could become sailor if he returned
- Despicable person - Pitiful person heard to heave - Poor thing - Unfortunate person - A miserable person; one profoundly unhappy. - One sunk in vice or degradation; a base, despicable
person; a vile knave; as, a profligate wretch.
- Baskervilles’ badger? - Dog the footsteps of - Harass hunting dog - Hunting dog - Pursue relentlessly - Whippet or basset - A variety of the domestic dog, usually having large,
drooping ears, esp. one which hunts game by scent, as the foxhound,
bloodhound, deerhound, but also used for various breeds of fleet
hunting dogs, as the greyhound, boarhound, etc.
- Aggressive dog - Base creature - Contemptible man - Current lease removed mutt - Despicable person torn from current - Despicable scoundrel - Mongrel
- Able to leave miserable tightwad - Emir’s showing signs of being a penny-pincher - Hoarder - Mean person - Mister, leave tea for Scrooge! - Niggard - No tea for Mr Tightwad