- A fashionable exploit, to be sure! - Actually - Certainly - Contained within title document? Really! - Denied being thrown out? Really! - Denied dancing, undeniably - In fact
- Against - Against new tariff initially - Against new things initially - Against nuclear testing initially - Against nuclear testing, initially - Against Tina being thrown out - Against Tina getting face-lift
- Deposed - Displaced - Doctor used to being thrown out - Expelled - Jousted but was beheaded and unseated - Kicked out - Kicked out, having fought with lances and lost head
- “Le” or “la” in French - Bather thrown out of bar, being a definite article - Definite Article - el or la in spanish - El or Lain Spanish - Ethel has a definite article - Father is keeping article - that's definite!
- Biased - Destabilised - Disturbed about being top-heavy - One sided - Out of kilter - Skew-whiff - Not balanced; not in equipoise; having no counterpoise,
or having insufficient counterpoise.