- Authoritative
- Beyond debate
- Definite
- Distinct
- Emphatic
- Explicit
- Indisputable
- A Pledge
- Another rat seen? That’s serious!
- Definite
- Down payment
- Heartfelt
- Hemingway reportedly dedicated
- Serious
- Alert, active
- Certain
- Definite
- In no doubt
- Of course!
- Positive
- Rues new order, for certain
- Definite (5-3)
- Emphatic (5-3)
- Sharply outlined (5-3)
- To exonerate Nick is straightforward
- Undisputed (5-3)
- Well-defined
- Having a sharp, distinct outline, like that of a cameo.
- Definite article
- This word is properly an adjective, but is commonly called the
indefinite article. It is used before nouns of the singular number
only, and signifies one, or any, but somewhat less emphatically. In
such expressions as "twice an hour," "once an age," a shilling an ounce
(see 2d A, 2), it has a distributive force, and is equivalent to each,
- If; -- a word used by old English authors.