- A written defamation
- Defamation
- Defamation that's liberal in the extreme
- Defamation that’s liberal in the extreme
- Defame
- Defame falsely
- Defame in writing
- Belittle
- Blacken reputation of
- Defame
- Nag dieter about slander
- Speak Ill Of
- To blacken thoroughly; to make very black.
- Fig.: To blacken or sully; to defame.
- Defame
- Evil (influence)
- Slander
- Speak badly of African country before government and national leaders
- Speak evil of
- Wicked for first mate to straighten up
- Having an evil disposition toward others; harboring violent
enmity; malevolent; malicious; spiteful; -- opposed to benign.
- Anoint
- Daub
- Daub with anything
- Defame
- Dirty mark
- Malign
- Rub over thickly