- Declare
- Declare Stacy odd
- Express
- Express in words
- Express verbally
- Give utterance to
- Inside is a yearning to speak
- Affirm
- Affirm with confidence
- Allege as a fact
- Assert
- Declare
- Declare positively
- Firmly State
- Decide
- Declare
- Determine
- To award judicially in the case of a controverted
question; as, the prize was adjudged to the victor.
- To determine in the exercise of judicial power; to
decide or award judicially; to adjudicate; as, the case was adjudged in
the November term.
- To sentence; to condemn.
- To regard or hold; to judge; to deem.
- Affirm
- Aver
- Avouch
- Claim a tress is skewwhiff
- Claim positively
- Contend
- Declare
- Affirm
- Affirm a promise
- Affirm solemnly
- Assert or confess openly
- Attest
- Declare
- Declare a promise