Dark Blue Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 29-06-2020
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: dark blue. We have 7 answers for dark blue in our database.

Possible answers to dark blue

- A colour
- Blue ink
- Blue primary colour
- Blue printing ink
- Blue-green
- Colour type
- Dark blue

- A military force
- Admiral’s command
- Army, ... and air force
- Blue for sailors?
- Body of warships
- Body of warships, etc.
- Dark (shade)

- Dark blue or bluish gray; lead-colored.

- Dark (shade)
- Extending far downwards
- Far down
- Going far down
- Heartfelt
- Intense
- Intense low

- A dark blue dyestuff, of the induline group; -- called also azodiphenyl blue.

- Agreement or harmony
- Croon CD produced in time of peace and harmony
- Grape variety
- Harmony
- Rapport
- type of grape
- Unison

- A colour in a rainbow
- Blue-purple flower shrinking with shyness
- Colour of the rainbow
- Hue in rainbow
- Plant with bluish-purple flowers
- Purplish-blue
- Shade Eliot turned after five

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