- Carves into
- Cuts into
- Chops
- Cuts into shape
- Cuts with an axe
- Hacks
- Hughes requested chops
- Analyses
- Cuts into pieces
- Examines closely
- Takes apart broken disc sets
- Butcher’s cuts
- Cuts into pieces
- Cuts of meat
- Cuts with an axe
- Meataxes
- Pork cuts
- The jaws; also, the fleshy parts about the mouth.
- Chops into thirds
- Chops into three
- Cuts into three
- Cuts into three when asked to try sects
- Cuts into three when asked to try sex
- Divides into thirds
- A South American ant (Oecodoma cephalotes) remarkable for
having two large kinds of workers besides the ordinary ones, and for
the immense size of its formicaries. The sauba ant cuts off leaves of
plants and carries them into its subterranean nests, and thus often
does great damage by defoliating trees and cultivated plants.