- Clippers - Clips sheep - Cutting instrument - Large scissors - Removes wool from top of sheep, detects sound - A cutting instrument. - An instrument consisting of two blades, commonly with bevel
edges, connected by a pivot, and working on both sides of the material
to be cut, -- used for cutting cloth and other substances.
- A sheep with fine wool - Breed of sheep - Fine fleece - Fine wool - Fine-woolled sheep - First class wool - Give me a rhino without first horn and I’ll give you a woolly sheep
- Breaking (off) - Cutting the fleece of sheep - She has added a piece of jewellery as trimming - Sheep farm work - of Shear - The act or operation of clipping with shears or a
shearing machine, as the wool from sheep, or the nap from cloth. - The product of the act or operation of clipping with
shears or a shearing machine; as, the whole shearing of a flock; the
shearings from cloth.