- America takes a long time to come up with accepted practice - Application - common mode of operation - Consumption - Consumption of American vintage - Consumption of some sausage - Custom
- Custom at home ground? - Customary practice at home - Natural environment - Natural surroundings - Normal abode - The natural abode, locality or region of an animal or
plant. - Place where anything is commonly found.
- Ribaldry; buffoonery; a ribald story. - The trade or practice of prostitution; habitual or
customary lewdness. - Anything meretricious; as, harlotry in art. - A harlot; a strumpet; a baggage.
- Customary - It’s customary to renovate a Bali hut - Regular usual - Formed or acquired by habit or use. - According to habit; established by habit; customary;
constant; as, the habiual practice of sin.