- Cup edge
- Edge
- Edge in front of stone with hellfire
- Edge of a hat
- Hat part
- I’m following brother to edge
- Lip
- Brim
- Brink of rudeness
- Cup edge
- Edge
- Impertinence
- Impudence of First Lady in Paris
- Impudent talk
- Border
- Brink
- Criminal has inside edge
- Cup edge
- Edge
- Interim edge
- Lip
- After card game, the French produce a shrill sound
- It will shriek when subjected to a blow
- Kettle sound
- Referee’s item
- Referee’s signal
- To make a kind of musical sound, or series of sounds,
by forcing the breath through a small orifice formed by contracting the
lips; also, to emit a similar sound, or series of notes, from the mouth
or beak, as birds.
- To make a shrill sound with a wind or steam instrument,
somewhat like that made with the lips; to blow a sharp, shrill tone.