- Boisterous in Illinois? Yes! - Cacophonous - Deafening - Loud - Strident piano is yelling inside - Making a noise, esp. a loud sound; clamorous;
vociferous; turbulent; boisterous; as, the noisy crowd. - Full of noise.
- A British crime unit in charge turns sour - Burning from liquid - Caustic - Inside placid Icelander is sharp and biting - Placid Icelander is corrosive inside - Sharp tasting or sour - Sharp-tasting
- Also, having sailor inside is forbidden - Banned - Disapproved of (topic) - Exclusion from use - Forbidden - Forbidden topic - It’s socially forbidden to refashiona boot
- Actionable - Contrary to law - Forbidden - Forbidden by law - Heard sick bird of prey is prohibited - I hear sick bird is against the law - I will shortly break a leg. Is that against the law?
- Hopeful - Nincompoop Tim is tickling too much for looking on the bright side - Sanguine - Upbeat - Vision-related, Tim is inside and hopeful - Wishful-thinking - Of or pertaining to optimism; tending, or conforming,
to the opinion that all events are ordered for the best.