Communion Table Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 05-10-2022
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: communion table. We have 6 answers for communion table in our database.

Possible answers to communion table

- Communion table

- Church tables
- Communion table
- Raised platforms
- Sacrificial blocks
- Sacrificial tables

- a way to become different
- Adjust
- Adulterer rejects rude doctor
- Beam without reason, initially or subsequently
- Change
- Communion table
- Convert

- Cathedral tardy in getting table for Eucharist
- Church table
- Communion table
- Raised platform
- Rev counter used in annual service
- Room for worship
- Sacrificial block

- Church area
- Part of a church containing altar, sanctuary and choir
- That part of a church, reserved for the use of the clergy, where the altar, or communion table, is placed.
- All that part of a cruciform church which is beyond the line of the transept farthest from the main front.

- Belief
- Reliance of the mind on evidence of facts derived from other sources than personal knowledge; belief; credit; confidence.
- That which gives a claim to credit, belief, or confidence; as, a letter of credence.
- The small table by the side of the altar or communion table, on which the bread and wine are placed before being consecrated.
- A cupboard, sideboard, or cabinet, particularly one intended for the display of rich vessels or plate, and consisting chiefly of open shelves for that purpose.
- To give credence to; to believe.

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