- Cleanser
- One who, or that which, purifies or cleanses; a cleanser;
a refiner.
- Cleaning liquid
- Cleanser
- Cleansing agent
- Soluble cleansing agent
- Washing up liquid ... it’s enough to put a bloke off!
- Cleansing; purging.
- A substance which cleanses the skin, as water or soap; a
medicine to cleanse wounds, ulcers, etc.
- Hair cleanser
- Hair detergent
- Hair soap
- Hair-care product
- Haircare product
- Preparation for washing the hair
- Preparation for wastiing the hair
- Cleanser brand
- Greek hero
- Greek hero at Troy
- Greek hero; cleanser brand
- Mighty Greek warrior in the siege of Troy
- Mighty warrior of Greek legend
- Mythical Greek hero