- Absolute Truth - Christian revelation - Music comes from the bible – it’s true - Music comes from the Bible ... it’s true - Music comes from the bible. It’s the truth! - Music genre - Pentecostal music
- Comic extremely involved in spite of being a doubter - Cynic - Disbeliever - Doubting Thomas - First, she can expect problems taking in climatedenier - Naysayer - One who is yet undecided as to what is true; one who is
looking or inquiring for what is true; an inquirer after facts or
- An undecided, inquiring state of mind; doubt;
uncertainty. - The doctrine that no fact or principle can be certainly
known; the tenet that all knowledge is uncertain; Pyrrohonism;
universal doubt; the position that no fact or truth, however worthy of
confidence, can be established on philosophical grounds; critical
investigation or inquiry, as opposed to the positive assumption or
assertion of certain principles. - A doubting of the truth of revelation, or a denial of
the divine origin of the Christian religion, or of the being,
perfections, or truth of God.
- Committed follower - supporter of religion - One who believes; one who is persuaded of the truth or
reality of some doctrine, person, or thing. - One who gives credit to the truth of the Scriptures, as a
revelation from God; a Christian; -- in a more restricted sense, one
who receives Christ as his Savior, and accepts the way of salvation
unfolded in the gospel. - One who was admitted to all the rights of divine worship
and instructed in all the mysteries of the Christian religion, in
distinction from a catechumen, or one yet under instruction.