- Cheer
- Clap
- Express approval
- Express praise of
- Praise greatly
- Put your hands together to confuse a pup, lad
- To praise
- Cheer
- Encourage
- Give courage to
- Make brave
- To give boldness or courage to; to encourage.
- Become cheerful
- Cheer
- Cheer up
- Encourage
- Encourage or make cheerful
- Make cheerful
- Raise spirits near the roundabout
- Cheer
- Dangled wayward characters with delight
- Fill with joy
- Make happy
- Make happy and joyful
- Make happy, hearten
- Please
- Winning cheer
- Yippee!
- Alt. of Hurra
- A cheer; a shout of joy, etc.
- To utter hurrahs; to huzza.
- To salute, or applaud, with hurrahs.