- Apply discipline
- Castigate
- Chastise
- Discipline
- Humble, virtuous and initially naive
- Punish
- Subdue tame
- Abuse, assail verbally
- Chastise
- Chide severely
- Scold harshly
- Scold or criticise angrily
- To rate or chide vehemently; to scold.
- Chastise
- Find fault
- Rebuke
- Reprimand
- Scold
- To rebuke; to reprove; to scold; to find fault
- Fig.: To be noisy about; to chafe against.
- Censure severely
- Criticise severely
- Punish
- Rebuke, chastise
- To punish by stripes; to chastise by blows; to
chasten; also, to chastise verbally; to reprove; to criticise severely.
- To emend; to correct.
- Castigated
- Reprimanded severely
- of Chastise