- 1 Type of lottery - Chance happening - Lottery - Lottery where the prizes are goods - RAF flew endlessly for lottery - Type of lottery - A kind of lottery, in which several persons pay, in shares,
the value of something put up as a stake, and then determine by chance
(as by casting dice) which one of them shall become the sole possessor.
- Chance happening - Fluke - unforeseen circumstances - Union or connection; the state of touching or contact. - The quality or state of being contingent or casual;
the possibility of coming to pass. - An event which may or may not occur; that which is
possible or probable; a fortuitous event; a chance. - An adjunct or accessory.
- Haphazard - Happening by chance - Occurring casually - Unintentional - Unplanned - Happening by chance, or unexpectedly; taking place not
according to the usual course of things; casual; fortuitous; as, an
accidental visit. - Nonessential; not necessary belonging; incidental; as,
are accidental to a play.
- Fortune - Happen (upon) - Hope - Likelihood of getting a card in Monopoly - Opportunity - Opportunity most unlikely whether fat or slim - Opportunity to commence hockey and national cycling events
- Happening by chance; coming or occuring unexpectedly,
or without any known cause; chance; as, the fortuitous concourse of
atoms. - Happening independently of human will or means of
foresight; resulting from unavoidable physical causes.