- Band leader takes on different problem - Brother has no right to fuss - Brother loses one right to harass - Cause trouble to - Disturb - Harass - Nuisance
- Cause trouble to - Distress greatly - Physically harmful - Trouble grievously - To strike or cast down; to overthrow. - To inflict some great injury or hurt upon, causing
continued pain or mental distress; to trouble grievously; to torment. - To make low or humble.
- Cause trouble - Make intricate - Make more difficult - Composed of two or more parts united; complex;
complicated; involved. - Folded together, or upon itself, with the fold running
lengthwise. - To fold or twist together; to combine intricately;
to make complex; to combine or associate so as to make intricate or
- Protest - The act of objecting; as, to prevent agreement, or
action, by objection. - That which is, or may be, presented in opposition; an
adverse reason or argument; a reason for objecting; obstacle;
impediment; as, I have no objection to going; unreasonable objections. - Cause of trouble; sorrow.
- Affliction - Blight noticed in various courgettes - Cause of great trouble or suffering - One causing affliction or suffering - One who harasses or punishes - Severe affliction - Succeeded with valour to banish a destructive force
- Inclination to tease - Military Intelligence’s boss involved in troublemaking - Misbehaviour - Naughtiness - Playful misbehaviour - prank or scrapes - Trouble