- Acceptable, fairly good - Adequate beer, allot out - Can be used - Endurable - livable - Capable of being borne or endured; supportable, either
physically or mentally. - Moderately good or agreeable; not contemptible; not very
excellent or pleasing, but such as can be borne or received without
disgust, resentment, or opposition; passable; as, a tolerable
administration; a tolerable entertainment; a tolerable translation.
- Disinfect - Eels can be used to remove dirt - Purify - Purify Church of England about inclinations - Remove dirt from - Wash - Wash a lens off in church
- A surfaced walkway - A track - Course that follows flight or war - Narrow road - Parking at the second course - Patrick briefly had second thoughts on way - Rafter, on second thoughts, can be used as a trail
- Bone images - Bone photos - Bone snaps Ray found in excess - Internal photographs (1-4) - Photographs of inner body parts - Photographs one's innards - Radiographs
- Castle ditches - Castle water barriers - Castle water ditches - Crossed by drawbridges, hopefully to Sam - Ditches - There’s nothing in mats that can be used for castle defences
- Centre of government - Chattel - Leading city - Main city - Metropolis - Money invested in Paris or London - Money to be invested in Washington, for example
- Dead (of species) - Dead as a dodo? - Dead, of a species - Died out - Former spouse can take heartless cat and be gone forever - Having died out - Having no living representative
- Able to be controlled - Controllable - Easy to handle - Such as can be managed or used; suffering control;
governable; tractable; subservient; as, a manageable horse.
- Hospital patient’s receptacle - Shallow toilet - A pan for warming beds. - A shallow chamber vessel, so constructed that it can be
used by a sick person in bed.