- Cabin
- Crude dwelling
- Crude shelter
- Humble dwelling
- Lean-to
- No embargo for Bhutan shack
- Not home
- Beaver-built Masonic Hall?
- Beaver’s home
- Beaver’s lair
- Become embedded
- Become fixed
- Become stuck
- Cabin
- Anchorage
- Mooring space
- Ship’s cabin
- Sleeping-place on board
- Wharf area
- Convenient sea room.
- A room in which a number of the officers or ship's company
mess and reside.
- Advent of baby
- Arrival
- Arrival time
- Bearing of offspring
- Beginning
- Child-bearing
- Origin of Anchorage reports
- Cabin staff
- Pilots and co-pilots, e.g.
- Pilots and co-pilots, eg
- Plane Personnel
- Raw rice served up to flight personnel