- To batter; to break in pieces. - Easily broken; brittle; crisp. - Noise; clatter; crash. - The frog of a horse's foot. - A discharge of a fetid or ichorous matter from the frog of a
horse's foot; -- also caled thrush.
- Chat about - Confer - Debate - To break to pieces; to shatter. - To break up; to disperse; to scatter; to dissipate; to
drive away; -- said especially of tumors. - To shake; to put away; to finish. - To examine in detail or by disputation; to reason upon
by presenting favorable and adverse considerations; to debate; to sift;
to investigate; to ventilate.
- A comb for dressing flax, raw silk, etc.; a hatchel. - Any flimsy substance unspun, as raw silk. - One of the peculiar, long, narrow feathers on the neck of
fowls, most noticeable on the cock, -- often used in making artificial
flies; hence, any feather so used. - An artificial fly for angling, made of feathers. - To separate, as the coarse part of flax or hemp from the
fine, by drawing it through the teeth of a hackle or hatchel. - To tear asunder; to break in pieces.
- Battered food waste - Battered fruit - Fried food - A small quantity of batter, fried in boiling lard or in
a frying pan. Fritters are of various kinds, named from the substance
inclosed in the batter; as, apple fritters, clam fritters, oyster
fritters. - A fragment; a shred; a small piece. - To cut, as meat, into small pieces, for frying. - To break into small pieces or fragments.