Bow Down Oneself Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 23-09-2020
Below are possible answer for general crossword clue: bow down oneself. We have 2 answers for bow down oneself in our database.

Possible answers to bow down oneself

- Bow down, ... oneself
- Lying at length, or with the body extended on the ground or other surface; stretched out; as, to sleep prostrate.
- Lying at mercy, as a supplicant.
- Lying in a humble, lowly, or suppliant posture.
- Trailing on the ground; procumbent.
- To lay fiat; to throw down; to level; to fell; as, to prostrate the body; to prostrate trees or plants.
- to overthrow; to demolish; to destroy; to deprive of efficiency; to ruin; as, to prostrate a village; to prostrate a government; to prostrate law or justice.

- Bows down, ... oneself

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