- Blood vessel unblocker - of Stent - To keep within limits; to restrain; to cause to stop, or
cease; to stint. - To stint; to stop; to cease. - An allotted portion; a stint.
- Blood carrier - Blood vessel - Major blood vessel - The trachea or windpipe. - One of the vessels or tubes which carry either venous or
arterial blood from the heart. They have tricker and more muscular
walls than veins, and are connected with them by capillaries. - Hence: Any continuous or ramified channel of communication;
as, arteries of trade or commerce.
- Clot in a blood vessel - Obstruction of artery - Intercalation; the insertion of days, months, or years,
in an account of time, to produce regularity; as, the embolism of a
lunar month in the Greek year. - Intercalated time. - The occlusion of a blood vessel by an embolus. Embolism
in the brain often produces sudden unconsciousness and paralysis.