- Black lead - Golf club material - Golf-club material - Lead pencil substance - Lead pencil's lead, misleadingly - What will diamonds eventually degrade to? - Native carbon in hexagonal crystals, also foliated or
granular massive, of black color and metallic luster, and so soft as to
leave a trace on paper. It is used for pencils (improperly called lead
pencils), for crucibles, and as a lubricator, etc. Often called
plumbago or black lead.
- An earthy oxide of manganese, or mixture of different oxides
and water, with some oxide of iron, and often silica, alumina, lime, or
baryta; black ocher. There are several varieties. - Plumbago, or black lead.
- A mineral consisting chiefly of uranium oxide with some
lead, thorium, etc., occurring in black octahedrons, also in masses
with a pitchlike luster; pitchblende.