- Bewitch
- Cast a spell over
- Cast a spell so he gets a kiss
- Curse
- Curse when he gets cross
- Evil spell
- He gets ten to follow him for a spell
- Beguile
- Bewitch
- Captivate
- Cast a spell over
- Charm
- Delight actor Jackie by throwing ten outside
- Enrapture
- A lucky symbol
- Allure
- Amulet etc
- An amulet
- Appeal and allure
- Bewitch
- Captivate
- Bewitch
- Enslave
- Hold spellbound
- Transfix
- To take prisoner; to capture; to subdue.
- To acquire ascendancy over by reason of some art or
attraction; to fascinate; to charm; as, Cleopatra captivated Antony;
the orator captivated all hearts.
- Taken prisoner; made captive; insnared; charmed.
- Bewitch
- Confound, spoil
- Plague
- Play havoc with
- To throw into utter disorder and confusion, as if by
the agency of evil spirits; to bring under diabolical influence; to
- To spoil; to corrupt.