Bell Shaped Pepper Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 10-11-2018
Below are possible answer for general crossword clue: bell shaped pepper. We have 6 answers for bell shaped pepper in our database.

Possible answers to bell shaped pepper

- Bell shaped pepper
- Red or green pepper
- A genus of plants of many species, producing capsules or dry berries of various forms, which have an exceedingly pungent, biting taste, and when ground form the red or Cayenne pepper of commerce.

- Bell-shaped.

- Bell-shaped.

- Bell
- Flat bell
- Medal, colloquially
- Percussion Instrument
- Percussion item
- Rung to summon folks to the dinner table
- Saucer-shaped bell

- Bell-shaped; campanulate; campaniform.

- heart shaped chili pepper

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