- As is, status ...
- Beetle
- Computer program error
- Concealed microphone
- Insect
- Irritate an insect
- Secretly record gremlin
- “Fly away home” insect
- Hen spotted insect
- President Lyndon B. Johnson's wife
- Small beetle
- Small insect
- Small, spotted beetle
- Spotted beetle
- Destructive beetle
- Evil rhymes, with unwanted ingredient in flour
- Insect that infests flour
- Pantry pest
- Pest beetle
- Snout beetle
- Type of beetle that feeds of stored grain etc
- A beetle
- Ancient Egyptian signet
- Beetle regarded as sacred in ancient Egypt
- Beetle type
- Crabs in chaos around a sacred beetle
- Dung beetle
- Egyptian beetle
- Beetle grub
- Caterpillar variety includes maggot
- Cocoon contents
- Grub
- Grub or caterpillar
- Immature insect
- Immature insect form