- Accident
- Bad luck
- Unfortunate accident
- Unlucky accident
- unlucky occurrence
- Evil accident; ill luck; misfortune; mischance.
- To happen unluckily; -- used impersonally.
- Bad luck
- It’s bad luck to have uniform set out
- Woe
- Bad fortune or luck; calamity; an evil accident;
disaster; mishap; mischance.
- To happen unluckily or unfortunately; to miscarry;
to fail.
- Bad luck
- indicates impending bad luck
- Jinx
- Thug ducks run of bad luck
- One who causes bad luck.
- Strokes of bad luck
- Unlucky events
- Celebrity passed over and dogged by misfortune
- Ill-fated
- Ill-fated (lovers)
- Thwarted by bad luck
- indicates impending bad luck