Autumn''s Festival Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 21-07-2020
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: autumn''s festival. We have 2 answers for autumn''s festival in our database.

Possible answers to autumn''s festival

- Autumn’s ... Festival
- Gather a crop
- Gathering of crops
- Reap
- The period of gathering in the crops
- The gathering of a crop of any kind; the ingathering of the crops; also, the season of gathering grain and fruits, late summer or early autumn.
- That which is reaped or ready to be reaped or gath//ed; a crop, as of grain (wheat, maize, etc.), or fruit.

- The feat of the archangel Michael, a church festival, celebrated on the 29th of September. Hence, colloquially, autumn.

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