- Appearance
- Aspect
- Bearing
- Bearing; manner
- General manner
- Manner
- Person’s manner
- Ally dies, unfortunately
- Ally oneself
- Aspect
- Aspect; verge
- Border
- Climbing plant
- Concessions, dipped bread
- Aspect
- Aspect of second degree, in fact
- Aspect or feature
- Cut gem face
- Cut surface
- Diamond cut
- Front of head, and the top part
- Counterpart
- Front side of a coin
- Head side of coin
- Observe false front, of statue
- Observe flipped side of coin
- One side of a coin
- Opposite aspect
- Broad vista
- Extensive view
- Extensive vista seen in Japan or Amazon
- Landscape
- Sweeping aspect
- Unbroken view
- Unobstructed view