Artificial Part Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 15-01-2019
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: artificial part. We have 7 answers for artificial part in our database.

Possible answers to artificial part

- Artificial bit of career golfer’s dissertation
- Artificial limb, e.g.
- Artificial part
- Artificial substitute for amputated body part
- The addition to the human body of some artificial part, to replace one that is wanting, as a log or an eye; -- called also prothesis.
- The prefixing of one or more letters to the beginning of a word, as in beloved.

- The process of forming an artificial tip or part of a lip, by using for the purpose a piece of healthy tissue taken from some neighboring part.

- A point under dispute
- Affair
- Agenda item
- Allocate
- Bone of contention
- Children
- Children in serious trouble or not

- Cad leaves placated with a serving dish
- Coat with gold
- coat with layer of metal
- Coat with metal
- Doctor’s brass ...
- Flat dish
- Piece of armour

- A strange thing opposite day
- At the end of the day, it’s inevitable
- Between dusk and dawn
- Carol, Silent ...
- Carol’s silent hours of darkness?
- dark area out of sun
- Dark hours

- Bellows
- Bowler has gone out for the telephone
- Telephone, informally
- One who, or that which, blows.
- A device for producing a current of air; as: (a) A metal plate temporarily placed before the upper part of a grate or open fire. (b) A machine for producing an artificial blast or current of air by pressure, as for increasing the draft of a furnace, ventilating a building or shaft, cleansing gram, etc.
- A blowing out or excessive discharge of gas from a hole or fissure in a mine.
- The whale; -- so called by seamen, from the circumstance of its spouting up a column of water.

- Study of musical acoustics
- The doctrine or science of musical sounds.
- Secondary and less distinct tones which accompany any principal, and apparently simple, tone, as the octave, the twelfth, the fifteenth, and the seventeenth. The name is also applied to the artificial tones produced by a string or column of air, when the impulse given to it suffices only to make a part of the string or column vibrate; overtones.

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