- Arise
- Come about
- Come after
- Come next
- Consequently follow removal of it from en suite
- Eventuate
- Follow
- Arise
- Ensemble
- Rise from bed
- Rise in costume
- Arise
- Bring to maturity
- Come to light
- Make ready
- To free from that which infolds or envelops; to unfold;
to lay open by degrees or in detail; to make visible or known; to
disclose; to produce or give forth; as, to develop theories; a motor
that develops 100 horse power.
- To unfold gradually, as a flower from a bud; hence, to
bring through a succession of states or stages, each of which is
preparatory to the next; to form or expand by a process of growth; to
cause to change gradually from an embryo, or a lower state, to a higher
state or form of being; as, sunshine and rain develop the bud into a
flower; to develop the mind.
- To advance; to further; to prefect; to make to
increase; to promote the growth of.
- Arise
- Arise (from)
- Come forth
- Come from
- Come from some gentleman at embassy
- Come out, men! Eat a variety!
- Flow out
- Arise (from)
- Check
- Cut off flower stalk
- Derive from plant stalk
- First staunch the effusion, medic!
- Flower holder
- Flower stalk