Apollo Crew Member Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 27-10-2020
Below are possible answer for general crossword clue: apollo crew member. We have 7 answers for apollo crew member in our database.

Possible answers to apollo crew member

- Apollo crew member
- NASA crewman in a stunt or a crash
- NASA flight crewman
- Space traveller
- Spaceman
- Star sailor (Grk)

- Fletcher Christian, for example, was mute in ear report
- Insubordinate crew member
- Insubordinate crewman
- person who rebels
- Rebellious Christian follower
- Rebels on ship
- Revolutionary

- Band's tour assistant
- Band’s crew member
- Band’s tour assistant

- Ambulance crew member
- Ambulance officer
- Ambulance officer, eg
- Ambulance worker
- Member of an ambulance crew

- Clasp
- Clench
- Comprehension
- Film set worker
- Firm hold
- Firm hold or grasp
- Grasp

- boatman
- Cadet
- Deckhand
- Mariner
- Matelot
- Member of a ship's crew
- Member of a ship’s crew

- Member of a ship's crew
- Remain at sea with first-rate sailor
- Sailor
- Seafarer
- Seaman
- One whose occupation is to assist in navigating ships; a seaman or sailor.

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