- It provides nourishment - Nourishing substance - Nutriment - Nutritious; nourishing; promoting growth. - Any substance which has nutritious qualities, i. e.,
which nourishes or promotes growth.
- No-hoper - Prodigal type was halved. Minstrel as well! - Any waste thing or substance - Waste land or common land. - A profligate. - A neglected child; a street Arab. - Anything cast away as bad or useless, as imperfect bricks,
china, etc.
- The act or process of collecting or of gathering; as,
the collection of specimens. - That which is collected - A gathering or assemblage of objects or of persons. - A gathering of money for charitable or other purposes,
as by passing a contribution box for freewill offerings. - That which is obtained in payment of demands. - An accumulation of any substance. - The act of inferring or concluding from premises or
observed facts; also, that which is inferred.
- Bitingly sarcastic - Caustic or sarcastic - Sarcastic or caustic - Sarcastic, as wit - Biting; caustic; sarcastic; keen; severe. - Serving to fix colors. - Any corroding substance used in etching.
- A comb for dressing flax, raw silk, etc.; a hatchel. - Any flimsy substance unspun, as raw silk. - One of the peculiar, long, narrow feathers on the neck of
fowls, most noticeable on the cock, -- often used in making artificial
flies; hence, any feather so used. - An artificial fly for angling, made of feathers. - To separate, as the coarse part of flax or hemp from the
fine, by drawing it through the teeth of a hackle or hatchel. - To tear asunder; to break in pieces.