- Any date
- Former
- Formerly
- One of these days
- Sooner or later, get a prison sentence?
- At a past time indefinitely referred to; once;
- At a time undefined; once in a while; now and then;
- Age
- Beginning of era
- Dawn of an age
- Distinctive period
- echo quietly bounces around for a long time
- Era
- Era of hope returning with start of crusade
- The representation of the circles of the sphere upon a
plane; especially, a representation of the celestial sphere upon a
plane with adjustable circles, or other appendages, for showing the
position of the heavens, the time of rising and setting of stars, etc.,
for any given date or hour.
- Anti-viral preparation
- Flu shot, e.g.
- Inoculation serum
- Needed to fight COVID-19
- New form of vein holds a cubic centimetre of serum
- Of or pertaining to cows; pertaining to, derived from, or
caused by, vaccinia; as, vaccine virus; the vaccine disease.
- The virus of vaccinia used in vaccination.