- Amount
- Amount of money
- Betting odds
- Charge Vincent!
- Cost
- Cost paid by Ric in exercise class
- Fee
- Aggregate
- Amount
- Amount of cash
- An amount of money
- Ask for some quantity of money
- Chinese appetiser, dim ...
- Chinese dumplings, dim ...
- Amount
- Capital outlay? Sales tariff
- Charge
- Company way to charge
- Expense
- Financial outlay
- Monetary value
- Curse roundly
- Dang!
- Mend by stitching
- Mend clothes
- Mend socks
- Mend with wool? Drat!
- Mends with wool
- Abundance
- An abundance in favour of thermonuclear reaction
- Copious amount
- The act of one who is profuse; a lavishing or pouring
out without sting.
- Abundance; exuberant plenty; lavish supply; as, a
profusion of commodities.