Also Called Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 21-02-2023
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: also called. We have 7 answers for also called in our database.

Possible answers to also called

- Alas! I was taken in by a false name
- Also called
- Also known as
- Assumed name
- Assumed persona
- Fake ID?
- False ID

- A kayak also known to be without Tibetan ox
- Alias
- Alias key acronym
- Alias used by Sal on leaving Alaska
- Also called
- Also called (1,1,1)
- Also known as

- Also called aubergine
- Aubergine
- Hatchery produces vegetable
- Moussaka ingredient
- A plant (Solanum Melongena), of East Indian origin, allied to the tomato, and bearing a large, smooth, edible fruit, shaped somewhat like an egg; mad-apple.

- Salad herb
- Salad plant also called rocket

- Computer network that may be full of bugs
- E.B. White novel, Charlotte’s ...
- EB White novel, Charlotte’s ...
- Fine net
- Fly trap
- Gossamer snare
- In awe, behold network

- The cusk. See Cusk.
- The codfish. Called also tusk.

- One of the whitish specks called aphthae.
- The disease, also called thrush.

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