- Allusion
- Citation
- Estimate of costs
- The act of quoting or citing.
- That which is quoted or cited; a part of a book or
writing named, repeated, or adduced as evidence or illustration.
- The naming or publishing of the current price of stocks,
bonds, or any commodity; also the price named.
- Quota; share.
- Allegory
- Allusion
- Figure of speech
- Figure of speech Pat put back into Homer translation
- Implied comparison
- The transference of the relation between one set of
objects to another set for the purpose of brief explanation; a
compressed simile; e. g., the ship plows the sea.
- Allusion
- Implication
- Indirect suggestion
- Innuendo
- Sly suggestion
- Unpleasant suggestion or hint
- The act or process of insinuating; a creeping,
winding, or flowing in.
- A conclusion that can be drawn from something not explicitly stated
- Allusion
- Indirect suggestion
- Inference
- Innuendo
- Suggestion
- The act of implicating, or the state of being
- Clue
- Clue given
- Each in turn covered up clue
- Helpful Suggestion
- Indirect suggestion
- Inkling
- Intimation