- Agreeable
- Amiable
- Assembled at Naples? That’s nice!
- Congenial
- Cook plans tea that’s lovely
- Enjoyable
- Friendly with social worker following appeals
- Agreeable
- Delightful
- Delightful appeals you are able to follow
- Enjoyable
- Gratifying
- In a gratifying manner
- Capable of affording pleasure or satisfaction;
gratifying; abounding in pleasantness or pleasantry.
- Agreeable
- Cordial
- Partaking of the same nature; allied by natural
characteristics; kindred; sympathetic.
- Naturally adapted; suited to the disposition.
- Agreeable
- answerable
- Open and responsive to suggestion
- Open and responsive to suggestion; compliant
- Persuadable
- Submissive
- Tractable
- Affable
- Amy able, it’s said, to get cordial
- Congenial
- Cordial
- Do I have the ability to be good-natured?
- Easy going
- Easy-going