- Age-old (verities) - As long-lived as Rome? - Everlasting - Everlasting sort of triangle - Lasting or existing forever - Learn ET became everlasting - Little white tern, allegedly immortal
- Feebleness of mind - Feebleness of mind in the aged - Later life - Old age - Senility - Senility causes Buck’s mate to swallow label - Feebleness or imbecility of understanding or mind,
particularly in old age; the childishness of old age; senility; as, a
venerable man, now in his dotage.
- Ancient times - Great age - Oldness - The quality of being ancient; ancientness; great age;
as, a statue of remarkable antiquity; a family of great antiquity. - Old age. - Ancient times; former ages; times long since past; as,
Cicero was an eloquent orator of antiquity. - The ancients; the people of ancient times.
- Move feebly - Move or balance unsteadily - Shake; tremble - Tremble from old age - A plant of the genus Cuscuta. It is a leafless parasitical
vine with yellowish threadlike stems. It attaches itself to some other
plant, as to flax, goldenrod, etc., and decaying at the root, is
nourished by the plant that supports it. - To shake, tremble, or totter.