- Absolute ruler - Autocrat - Despot - Dior admits using tact with tyrant - One who rules that what he says should be written down - Tyrannical ruler - One who dictates; one who prescribes rules and maxims
authoritatively for the direction of others.
- Absolute ruler - Despot - Dictatorial person - Domineering person - It was asked, “Ought oak rat be dictator?” - An absolute sovereign; a monarch who holds and exercises
the powers of government by claim of absolute right, not subject to
restriction; as, Autocrat of all the Russias (a title of the Czar). - One who rules with undisputed sway in any company or
relation; a despot.
- Despotism - Mr Hardin ran New York with oppressive force - Oppressive use of power - The government or authority of a tyrant; a country
governed by an absolute ruler; hence, arbitrary or despotic exercise of
power; exercise of power over subjects and others with a rigor not
authorized by law or justice, or not requisite for the purposes of
government. - Cruel government or discipline; as, the tyranny of a
schoolmaster. - Severity; rigor; inclemency.