- A woodwind instrument - Cousin of bassoon - Cousin of cor anglais - Double-reed instrument - Every other combo open to include woodwind instrument - Hobo enticed to hold musical instrument - Honour includes circle for wind tube
- Instrumental piece - Jazz instrument in short - Wailers in combo - Woodwind instrument - A kind of chopping instrument for trimming the edges of
roofing slates.
- Reorder about a hundred of this woodwind instrument - Wind instrument - Woodwind instrument - Woodwind instrument without keys - One who records; specifically, a person whose official
duty it is to make a record of writings or transactions. - The title of the chief judical officer of some cities and
boroughs; also, of the chief justice of an East Indian settlement. The
Recorder of London is judge of the Lord Mayor's Court, and one of the
commissioners of the Central Criminal Court. - A kind of wind instrument resembling the flageolet.
- Shrill flute - Small flute - Woodwind instrument - A small shrill pipe, resembling the piccolo flute, used
chiefly to accompany the drum in military music. - To play on a fife.
- Musical instrument - Orchestra instrument - Woodwind instrument - A wind instrument, blown by a single reed, of richer and
fuller tone than the oboe, which has a double reed. It is the leading
instrument in a military band.
- Champagne glass - Flautist’s instrument - Musical instrument - Stemmed dessert dish - Wind instrument - Woodwind instrument - A musical wind instrument, consisting of a hollow
cylinder or pipe, with holes along its length, stopped by the fingers
or by keys which are opened by the fingers. The modern flute is closed
at the upper end, and blown with the mouth at a lateral hole.
- Oboe relative - Wind instrument - Woodwind instrument - A wind instrument of the double reed kind, furnished with
holes, which are stopped by the fingers, and by keys, as in flutes. It
forms the natural bass to the oboe, clarinet, etc.