A Water Supply Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 19-03-2019
Below are possible answer for general crossword clue: a water supply. We have 8 answers for a water supply in our database.

Possible answers to a water supply

- A water supply
- ably
- abundantly
- beneficially
- Bloody
- Healthy
- In good health

- Beaver’s work, mother
- Block (river)
- Brood mare
- Confine Fido’s mum
- Embankment
- Initially, domestic animal’s mother
- It’s mad to go back for an animal’s mother

- Dry heat made us moisten with water
- Moisturise skin
- Supply with water
- A compound formed by the union of water with some other substance, generally forming a neutral body, as certain crystallized salts.
- A substance which does not contain water as such, but has its constituents (hydrogen, oxygen, hydroxyl) so arranged that water may be eliminated; hence, a derivative of, or compound with, hydroxyl; hydroxide; as, ethyl hydrate, or common alcohol; calcium hydrate, or slaked lime.
- To form into a hydrate; to combine with water.

- Supply land with water
- Supply with water
- Water (fields)
- To water; to wet; to moisten with running or dropping water; to bedew.
- To water, as land, by causing a stream to flow upon, over, or through it, as in artificial channels.

- Artificial lake
- Large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water
- Large supply of water
- Source of town water supply
- Tank For Storing Water
- water dam
- Water store

- Central street
- Chief
- Course for principal
- Leading
- Most important
- Overriding
- Principal

- Kate – a command to supply food
- Kate ... a command to supply food
- Make allowances (for)
- Organise feast
- Pander (to every whim)
- Provide
- Provide (food)

- Street water access
- Street water tap
- Upright pipe designed for water supply
- Water outlets
- A discharge pipe with a valve and spout at which water may be drawn from the mains of waterworks; a water plug.

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