- A flower
- Classic daisy
- Daisy-like flower
- Type of daisy
- variety of daisy
- The oxeye daisy. See under Daisy.
- The corn camomile (Anthemis arvensis).
- A flower
- augmented
- Beautiful flower
- bulging
- Came up
- Damask
- flaming
- A flower
- Plant indian shot
- Plant, Indian shot
- Tropical Plant
- A measure of length in Italy, varying from six to seven
feet. See Cane, 4.
- A genus of tropical plants, with large leaves and often with
showy flowers. The Indian shot (C. Indica) is found in gardens of the
northern United States.
- A flower
- Asian plant
- Egyptian waterlily
- Kind of water lily
- large showy flower
- Lily flower
- Lily left to go up to America
- A flower
- Bulb flower
- Chew lip, when mentioning Dutch bulb
- Cup-shaped flower
- Dutch bulb
- Dutch flower
- Flower
- A flower
- Flower within the pea family
- A flower
- A part of the eye; a plant
- A plant
- Bulb flower
- Coloured eye part
- Coloured part of eye
- diaphragm in a human face