- A cereal
- A cereal crop
- Cereal
- Cereal plant
- Cereal seeds
- Crumb
- Go against the ...
- A cereal
- Cereal crop
- Edible grain
- Foot ailment
- Grain on a cob
- Hard growth on the foot
- Head chef cooked Ron cereal
- ... drink & be merry
- ..., drink and be merry
- A cereal
- Be humiliated, ... humble pie
- Bother swallow
- Chew
- Chew and swallow
- A cereal
- Bit of breakfast lodged in goatee
- Bread grain
- Cereal grass
- Cereal grass type
- Cereal plant
- Crop from every second go-cart
- A cereal
- Barley relative
- Bread grain
- Cereal
- Cereal grass
- Crispbread grain
- Every European has a bit of whiskey
- A cereal
- A cereal crop
- A yellow colour
- Central American corn
- Cereal
- Cereal plant
- Corn